The Ultimate Guide to Plotting Your Novel Without Thinking

Look, we've all been there before. You have this great idea for a book, but then you realize you have to make a plot to go with it...and you die a little on the inside. Maybe you do a simple Google search like "How to plot a novel", click on the first article, and die … Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Plotting Your Novel Without Thinking

The Ultimate Guide to Editing a Book Without Dying

We as people firmly believe that writing is just as much of an art as music, and no one ever plays a piece to the best of their ability their first run-through. Unless they were sight reading, which still means the level of the piece wasn't the hardest it could be. Though, that's a conversation … Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Editing a Book Without Dying

How To Write a Threatening, Complex Villain

Of all the things that go into a story to make it feel complete and not just a bundle of ideas, the villain is arguably the most important element. Coincidentally, it's also one of the hardest pieces to write, as well as the most enjoyable. There's something satisfying about creating a big baddie who wants … Continue reading How To Write a Threatening, Complex Villain